WCPSS Announces Schools added to STEM and Global Schools Networks

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Superintendent Tony Tata today announced the names of the five Wake County schools joining the STEM Schools Collaborative Network and the first three schools that will join the Global Schools Collaborative Network. The five schools joining the STEM Collaborative Network are:

•Hilburn Drive Elementary

•York Elementary

•Aversboro Elementary

•Carroll Middle

•Knightdale High

The WCPSS STEM Schools Network will join a statewide group of schools dedicated to enhanced strategic planning, professional development, programming and community advocacy around science, technology, engineering and math.

Schools will benefit from shared professional development opportunities, instructional activities and connections to local, state and national leaders committed to having students focus on science, technology, engineering and math.

Three Wake County elementary schools will be joining the Global Schools Collaborative Network, another statewide educational initiative. They are:

•Timber Drive Elementary

•Jeffreys Grove Elementary

•Stough Elementary

The Global Schools Collaborative Network’s goal is to promote and support global education throughout the school system. The network will work to prepare students to complete globally through a number of means, including new technology, global curriculum as well as support for faculty in identifying global learning opportunities.

Tata also announced the deadline for middle and high schools to apply to the Global Schools Collaborative Network is extended to Friday, May 6 to give those schools extra opportunity to apply.

“These eight schools will make great additions to our innovative learning networks,” said Tata. “Achievement and success in the 21st century will rely heavily on global awareness, as well as a focus on science, technology, engineering and math. WCPSS is committed to giving our students the tools needed to realize that success,” Tata added.

The eight schools joining the WCPSS STEM Schools Network and the WCPSS Global Schools Collaborative Network will begin their innovative instruction in the 2011-12 school year. Additional support for these schools includes technology facilitators or foreign language instructors, along with 30 iPad tablet computers for each grade level to provide students opportunity to explore STEM and global concepts.

Applications were reviewed by a team that scored each application based upon student population/capacity, vision for network, summary of needs, key leadership support, and current aligned initiatives.

For more information about the NC STEM Collaborative, please visit www.ncstem.org

For more information about the NC Global Schools network, please visit www.globalschoolsnetwork.org