197 teachers earn national certification - Local/State - NewsObserver.com

Thursday, December 17, 2009

197 teachers earn national certification - Local/State - NewsObserver.com

New School Board Majority Delays Vote On Mandatory Year-Round Schools - Wake County - MyNC.com

New School Board Majority Delays Vote On Mandatory Year-Round Schools - Wake County - MyNC.com

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Board of Education Meeting

Friday, December 11, 2009

Date: Tuesday December 15, 2009

Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Board Room, 2nd Floor

Street: 3600 Wake Forest Road

City State Zip: Raleigh, NC 27609

Board Committee of the Whole

Date: Tuesday December 15, 2009

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Location: Board Conference Room, 2nd Floor

Street: 3600 Wake Forest Road,

City State Zip: Raleigh, NC 27609

KHS Forum at Town Hall Speakers

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Speakers:  Pam Mills will act as the moderator of the forum.  She is a Knightdale resident, a leader in Knightdale 100, a project manager for Merck, and a parent of a Lockhart Elementary student.
•    Wake Education Partnership: Tim Simmons and Ann Denlinger, Wake Education Partnership, have agreed to present data on student achievement, curriculum, and finances.  The data will help participants compare and contrast Knightdale High School with both neighboring high schools and Wake high schools that are similar in size.

•    Joe Bryan - Wake County Commissioner:  We also understand that the School Board depends on cooperation from our County Commissioners.  For this reason we believe it is important to invite Joe Bryan to participate in this forum.

FORUM: “EQUAL EDUCATION at Knightdale High School?”

Thursday, December 3, 2009

On Tuesday, January 26th (7-8:30pm) we are hosting our first community forum at Knightdale Town Hall, 950 Steeple Square Court.

FORUM: “EQUAL EDUCATION at Knightdale High School?”

Do Knightdale’s children have equitable opportunities at Knightdale High School?”

Purpose: To invite civic and educational leaders to improve Knightdale citizens’ understanding of current data, policies, resources, and structures that impact Knightdale High School students’ achievement, curriculum, and the financial support of the school.

· Student Achievement: How is student achievement measured? How are our students performing on EOC, SAT, and honor roll? How do we compare to neighboring high schools?

· Curriculum: How many students attend Knightdale High School? Are the courses offered at KHS equal to neighboring high schools? Are the courses offered equal to similar sized schools in the county? Will a move for community schools harm or improve the curriculum offered at Knightdale High School?

· Finances: Does Knightdale High School have equitable federal, state, and community support? How many of KHS students currently qualify for Free & Reduced (F&R) Lunch Program? How many KHS students will qualify for F&R when the Wake County School Board returns to community schools? When a Wake County school has a higher number of students living in poverty does the School Board or even the County Commissioners have an obligation to increase its financial support of that school?